About Us


Triona is a company with a strong financial position.

We have good solidity and a positive cash flow. This means that we have good long-term financial stability and that customers, suppliers, and employees can feel safe when working with us.

Annual summary

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Revenues (MSEK) 267 261,9 182,8 172,7 181,0 162,6
Result EBIT (MSEK) 12,4 14,5 5,4 6,5 12,7 12,3
Result EBITA (MSEK) 21,5 23,6 8,9 10,0 17,6 16,9
Balance sheet total (MSEK) 129,2 125,7 131,8 91,8 92,1 88,4
Number of yearly employed 191 186 155 151 143 131
Solvency Ratio (%) 53 52 41 60 67 67
Earnings per share, SEK 1,70 1,91 0,69 0,93 1,76 1,53

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK 9,1 (26,3) in 2023.

Further financial information is available under Financial reports.