Data capture
We create information from 360-degree images and laser scanning etc.
Triona carry out assignments in respect of photographing (360-degree panorama images) and laser scanning of streets and roads (also pedestrian and cycle paths).
The assignments are carried out with our own resources and with support from our partners. In a subsequent phase the images and point clouds (generated from the laser scanning) and which generates an output that can be handled by the SINUS photo product for registering digital twins for digital asset (AIM) information such as road signs, safety barriers, and traffic calming devices.
The objects are given a link to the actual railway, road or street network and are verified according to validation rules. The storage and continued management takes place in the TNE (Transport Network Engine) product or another system for digital asset information.
From these systems the images and data can be easily used by SINUS photo or other applications and businesses. If you already have panorama images or laser scanned point clouds, we can use these and assist you with the processing.