We contribute with excellence
We have consultants who can help you in areas such as management, business development, system development and integration. Our consultants typically have good experience of our prioritized customer segments.
As a result, they have developed a huge understanding for and knowledge about the business area, its different terms, data models, and applicable standards. This makes it easier for them to understand your needs and can therefore contribute to initiatives around digitalization and bring you results which creates positive effects.
System Development
We are convinced that more than deep technical knowledge is needed to help our customers develop their businesses efficiently. Our specialists have the necessary competence and qualities to apply their technical knowledge to each customer’s unique situation.
Web Development
Many of our system developers also specialize in web development. Here we have competence in, among other things, graphic design, usability, and accessibility.
Our customers’ businesses often include vehicle fleets and field activities. That means that we can offer competence within design, usability, and development of mobile solutions, as well as communication solutions.
System architecture
System architect is a general title for people who are responsible for the technical design of whole or parts of an IT project or system. Today one often chooses to define the role as system designer.
Integrating a system or processes is something we work with in almost all projects. With the right solution the system can give better support for not only individual use cases but also business requirements thus reducing costs for maintenance and further development.t.
We have extensive experience in developing solutions related to GIS. Triona offers specialist competence in analysis, presentation, databases, system integration, system development, and technical project management. Our technical know-how includes both standard platforms, such as FME and ESRI, as well as platforms based on open-source code
Specialist consultants
We have coworkers with a wide range of specialist competence. These span many different areas, such as e.g. BIM, IoT, and cloud based technology.
Project Management
Triona has solid competence in project management and has considerable experience in leading projects in a customer organization or a project where Triona is responsible for the whole project implementation. Our project managers are used to the demands made by agile and traditional development projects, but also have considerable experience in running other projects such as business development, investigations, and implementation projects. Project managers’ work follows accepted project management methodology for project planning and control and development work.
Requirements and Testing
In general, there is an increasing awareness of the value of structured and competent work with requirements and quality assurance in IT activities. To meet the demand in our product business, as well as customer projects, Triona has coworkers whose competence focuses on requirements, test, and quality assurance.
Business development
Triona has coworkers with broad experience in analyzing and developing customers’ business processes with or without developed IT support. The basis for this is competence within the customers’ business areas as well as experience, and a toolbox with techniques.

Johan will help you
For more information about our consultants, ask Johan.
Johan Larsson +46 73 732 61 56 Send Email