Triona extends collaboration with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration
We are proud to have won the tender for further maintenance and development of IT solutions PMS (Pavement Management System) and ROSITA, which are central tools in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration's, Statens Vegvesen, work with roads and maintenance.
Moa Holfve appointed as new Chief Operating Officer at Triona Group
“I’m happy to share that we have appointed Moa Holfve as Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Triona and she will be starting in March”, announces Lena Ridström Group CEO at Triona Group, “Moa has experience in strategic transformation within several international companies and will now focus on the changes associated with implementing Triona’s new strategy, Focus28”.
Strategy presentation - Focus28
During 2024 Triona underwent a change in management where a new chairman of the board, Lennart Hane, was appointed in May 2024 and Lena Ridström took up the position as new group CEO in August 2024.
Direct check-in to NVDB with TNE Editor simplifies and streamlines for municipalities
During 2024 the Swedish transport administration (Trafikverket), Sokigo, and Triona worked to encourage more municipalities to update data using direct check-in. The statistics show clearly that with direct check-in usage is both significantly simplified and increased. Also, if only roughly 10% of the municipalities with TNE Editor use direct check-in, this equates to over 70% of the deliveries.
Triona Days 2024 - Retrospective
Last week we had the privilege to once again welcome participants to Triona Days, our yearly customer event.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Triona to present its ECO product at Asphalt Days (Asfaltdagen) in Oslo 2025
Since 2023, Triona has cooperated with Innovation Norway and Arctic Asfalt on an innovation project to reduce CO2 emissions from asphalt production to paving. The project will now be presented at Asfaltdagen on 16th January 2025 in Oslo.
New opportunities with TNE Editor in the latest version of TNE
The latest version of Transport Network Engine (TNE), version 3.14 is now available. This update contains several important improvements and new features which further strengthen TNE’s place as a leading platform for management of transport network and related data.
Triona again leads the way for Oslo municipality
Triona won the procurement “Survey and planning of road and street maintenance” for Oslo municipality. The assignment is to photograph Oslo municipality’s 1365 km of roads and streets including pedestrian and bicycle lanes, register all the data in the Norwegian national road database (NVDB) as well as define a road maintenance plan for Oslo municipality.
New version of TRACS Flow offers improved transport efficiency
Many new features have been added in the latest version of TRACS Flow, in particular improved support for BEAst, Peppol, and papiNet. Many of the new features had been widely requested and several customers are already using them in production.
Triona’s cooperation, commitment, and quality rated highly by customers
In our latest customer survey, which was carried out during late spring 2024 we again received very good reviews from our customers. Nearly all our customers agree with the statement “cooperation with Triona works well”.
Triona updates map in protected forest application
The Swedish Forest Industries tasked Triona with the assignment of making the annual update to the map showing voluntary set-aside and protected forest.
Successful cooperation to simplify project follow-up with customers in C7 Projects
We recently concluded a successful project with NCC where together we created a solution to simplify quality reporting from the field to the end customer.
Bivab selects FleetControl for its next on-board IT System
Bivab, currently consisting of 35 bus companies who are also owners in Bivab, were looking for a high-performing IT solution which could easily be integrated with other systems and deliver benefits for both the bus operators and Bivab’s central organization.
Timber by Pinja at Sandåsa Timber - now in commercial operation
Sandåsa Timber, with three facilities in Sörmland are now live with their business system Timber by Pinja. The system was delivered by Triona to their two sawmills in Åker and Forssjö.
C-Load – proudly presenting version 2.0
During the last five years we have continuously modernized the technology platform that C-Load is based on, and we have now finished this major improvement. We have managed to make these improvements without unplanned C-Load production downtime, and we are very proud about that! Now we can move forward and focus on even more new features and improvements for our users.
TNE Platform key to new technical solution for NVDB
The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) who is the main authority for the national road database (NVDB) deployed the new technical solution for NVDB in April. The new solution is based on TNE and where TNE Editor is used as the updating tool.
Lantmäteriet use TNE Editor to update the forest road network
During 2023 the Land Survey (Lantmäteriet) and Triona carried out a pilot project to evaluate the use of TNE Editor where Lantmäteriet themselves update the forest road network and associated plant. Lantmäteriet has now signed an agreement for the use of TNE Editor.
Well-attended TNE Editor Webinar
Many of Triona’s current TNE customers and other stakeholders showed great interest and attended the TNE Editor webinar presented by Triona on 21 May.
Triona appoints Lena Ridström as new CEO
Triona’s Board of Directors has today appointed Lena Ridström as the new CEO of Triona.
TNE version 3.13 released
Triona has now released version 3.13 of Transport Network Engine (TNE). In this version we have continued to develop the TNE Editor to an even more effective and powerful tool for editing network and network-related data.
C-Load – a sustainable way forward
Over the last six months, Triona’s product C-Load has been updated with several sought-after features. We are probably most excited about the steps we have taken to promote sustainability. During the previous autumn we have implemented an integration to Fair Transport to help our transport ordering clients to make a conscious choice.
Triona and Arctic Asfalt cooperate to reduce asphalt’s environmental impact
Triona and Arctic Asfalt, with support from Innovasjon Norge, have started a collaboration to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the whole asphalting workflow.
Triona helps Sveaskog navigate the forest
Triona and Creative Optimization have together developed a field tool for Sveaskog which provides suggestions for both temporary timber collection points and roads for extracting the timber as well as help find the best route through the region. By using optimal planning, the forestry industry can save a large amount of resources, both in monetary and environmental terms.
Brani Asphalt chooses Triona’s project management solution
In order to streamline their work processes, Brani Asphalt carried out a digitalization project where they evaluated in-house and external products as well as manual processes.
C7 projects’ new saas solution in operation
Triona’s will put its new SaaS version for C7 Projects into commercial operation at its first customer in March 2024. The solution includes estimation, work order management, mobile reporting, time reporting with clock in/clock out, monitoring, and invoicing.
Skogsåkarna selects TRACS Flow
Skogsåkarna who is active in the forest transportation sector, focussing on wood chips, bio fuels, and roundwood transportation, has recently selected Triona’s TRACS Flow product to manage, plan, and streamline its wood chips transportation and manage its roundwood operations.
Yet another successful Triona Days!
“Engaging”, “inspiring”, “informative” and “enjoyable” is how the participants described this year’s Triona Days.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
New Country Manager appointed for Triona's Swedish operations
The Board of Triona AB is very happy to welcome Ted Lundström in his new role as responsible for Triona's Swedish operations. Ted will start his new role on 1st December 2023, and with this appointment Triona strengthens its Nordic organization. Rune Dragsnes and Mika Karjalainen have for some time had comparable roles in Norway and Finland respectively.
TNE Version 3.12 released
Triona has now released the latest version of Transport Network Engine (TNE), 3.12. In this version, TNE Editor has been further developed and improved with many features that will make editing network and property data more efficient.
BEAst 4.0 helps Triona drive sustainability initiatives
Triona is a member of the BEAst organization and at this year’s conference Lars Lindgren, product owner for TRACS Flow at Triona, was one of the presenters.
Sustainability with Fair Transport
Triona and Fair Transport have signed an agreement to work together which means that Triona will use application criteria that form the basis of Fair Transport’s certification of haulage companies in Triona’s products e.g., C-Load. The parties will also work together to promote Fair Transport, with the aim of reaching a wider user base and working for Fair Transport to be a standard within the EU.
Triona supports the fight against cancer
Triona supports the fight against cancer by taking part in the Pink Ribbon campaign against breast cancer and the Movember campaign for men's health.
Energy content in sustainability reporting
Biometria’s “Krönt vägval” service is used by their customers to calculate the distance used for price calculations from the pick-up point in the forest out to industry. The calculated distance is tailored for the forest industries’ transports and takes the road network’s properties into account.
Transdev chooses FleetControl in Gästrikland
Transdev has operated regional transportation in the province of Gästrikland for some time. In December 2023 Transdev will start a new ten-year contract for regional transportation with 66 buses. FleetControl is included as a part of the system solution.
One million Changesets to NVDB
On 1st September, a new milestone was passed in SINUS’s history! Our users had by then sent one million Changesets to the Norwegian NVDB (National VegDataBank).
Triona joins ISV Success Program
We are excited to share that Triona has been accepted as a member of Microsoft’s ISV Success Program. The journey together with Microsoft has always been key for Triona and joining the program is the next logical step. We will now gain access to even more resources and support from Microsoft which will lead to improved competence in Microsoft’s platforms and technology. As Triona’s portfolio includes important products and services built on Azure technology we regard this partnership as important for us in order to strengthen our role as supplier and Microsoft partner.
Sveaskog streamlines the road process
In Sweden, there are 210,000 kilometers of forest roads. After the Swedish Transport Administration Sveaskog is the second largest road owner in Sweden managing 43000 kilometres of “private” road. The administration is expensive with a lot of manual paper work primarily due to a lack of digital links with road maintenance contractors.
Helsinki office has moved
During the summer Triona moved to a new office in Helsinki.
Triona's CEO steps down
In the aim to continue to develop Triona, Triona's board and Mats Bayard have jointly concluded that it is now time to hand over to a new CEO. The board is very satisfied with the position that Triona has reached under Mats’ leadership the past 20 years.
GIS framework agreement with City of Stockholm
Triona has once again been awarded a frame agreement by the City of Stockholm for consultancy services within Geodata and GIS. The agreement covers all of its administrations as well as several enterprises owned by the City of Stockholm.
Mika Karjalainen appointed as MD in Finland
Mika Karjalainen has been appointed as MD for Triona Oy and responsible for Triona's operations in Finland.
Triona modernizes Forest Information System for Metsähallitus together with Arbonaut
Triona and Arbonaut were selected to create the new Forest Information System for Metsähallitus Metsätalous Oy. Up-to-date, comprehensive, and high-quality forest resource information is valuable for Metsähallitus’ operations and decision-making. Careful forest planning is the core of responsible forestry.
New field application at Sveaskog
In conjunction with Sveaskog updating the methodology for assessing conservation value Triona has taken part in developing a new tool to provide support in field work.
New release of TNE
We have now released TNE version 3.11. TNE Editor has addtional functionality for handling base data files, which will simplify and make editing of road related data more efficient.
Triona is to deliver a GIS application to Logset Oy
Triona and Logset Oy have agreed this spring that Triona will develop a GIS application – Logset Maps - to be installed on board Logset's forestry machines. Initially, functionality used by forwarders (forestry machines for transporting logs) is being developed.
Cost calculation for road maintenance and operations
In early 2023 Triona was awarded a contract for the maintenance and further development of the MOTIV system for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen). MOTIV is used for calculating costs for road maintenance and operations in Norway.
New Tracs Flow release
The development of TRACS Flow is progressing and has now resulted in release 3.1.
VR start heaters remotely
Triona and the transport operator VR have together developed a solution to remotely start heaters on some of their buses. The heaters can now start on demand and before the bus needs to be in traffic. This reduces the environmental impact and ensures a comfortable working environment for the driver.
C-Load – still going strong
C-Load celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2022 and a lot has happened during these ten years. Last year has been one of the more eventful since its launch. Apart from a continuous modernization of the platform, we have also adapted the service to a world where finding transports is sometimes a challenge and with huge fluctuations in fuel prices.
SWEROCK goes live with TRACS Flow
Swerock is one of Sweden’s largest suppliers of material and services to the construction industry. The implementation of TRACS Flow at Swerock started in December 2022 and continued through the first few months of 2023.
New version of Triona Roadwork Assistant
Our system Triona Roadwork Assistant (TRA), a digital logbook which is used for managing road works, is continually getting new customers! In January a new version was released which made the system even more user friendly. Improvements have been made in the desktop version (web) and the app – both for iOS and Android.
TRACS Flow 3.0
Triona has now released the latest version of TRACS Flow 3.0. For nearly a decade we have developed TRACS flow into a system which gives widespread support for business processes to actors within the transport and contractor industries.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Successful Triona Days
Another Triona Days has taken place with participants from many infrastructure, transport and logistics organizations in Sweden. The feedback we received from the participants showed that it was yet another very rewarding and successful Triona Days!
Emissions report for 2021
Triona’s Emissions report for 2021 is now ready. As in previous years, we report according to the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) protocol within scopes 1, 2, and 3. We can again see that transports account for the largest part of the carbon footprint from Triona’s business. Our main sustainability focus is to develop our products with the goal of facilitating our customers’ sustainability work.
Eriwood selects Timber by Pinja
Eriwood in Värnamo has selected Timber by Pinja from Triona for its new business system.
Digital recycling system for cable drums launched in Sweden
Norwegian RS Trommelservice launched Triona’s digital recycling system for cable drums in 2020. Now the solution is about to be used by the Svensson Group in Sweden, who are ready to shelf their manual paperwork.
Terranor’s successful implementation of C7 Projects
Terranor A/S is one of the leading players in the operation and maintenance of roads in Denmark. In 2021-22 they successfully implemented and started to use C7 Projects from Triona.
Data delivery to ERTMS
In 2018 Triona delivered a digital infrastructure solution to Bane NOR which ensures traffic- related railway network information is available within the organization. Since the delivery, Trasè has been focusing on helping Bane NOR organize fragmented infrastructure data and to report data discrepancy.
VSV and Unite Logistics select TRACS Flow
Unite Logistics AB, part of the VSV Frakt Group, is a logistics company for everything forestry related. The company was founded in 1968 because the forest industry was looking at more efficient timber transportation.
Triona helps transport companies reduce their CO2 emissions
Increasing demands on transport and logistics companies to reduce their transportation carbon footprint leads to requirements on better follow up and development of their sustainability efforts. As an IT supplier we have an important role to play in helping our customers reduce their greenhouse emissions. We therefore develop our products with the goal of facilitating our customers’ sustainability work. The distance calculation service has therefore been further developed and now includes functionality to calculate CO2 emissions per route.
Omakala Fishing Application
Triona has since the spring of 2021 been developing a mobile application for recreational fishing to Luke – the Natural Resources Institute in Finland. Just in time for the summer fishing season the application went live both in App Store and Google Play!
TransAB goes live with TRACS Flow
TransAB has gone live with TRACS Flow according to a multi-step plan that was concluded in February 2022, thereby replacing their legacy system Cockpit.
C-Load modernization
C-Load will celebrate its tenth anniversary later in 2022 and large volumes of transports are booked using the service. To address both existing and new customers’ requirements also over the next 10 years, we recently put a strong focus on modernizing the service using modern technology and an updated user interface.
Keolis in Uppland and Gothenburg selects FleetControl
Keolis are responsible for providing a complete onboard vehicle solution for UL, who are the transport authority in Uppsala County, as well as selected IT services for Västtrafik in Gothenburg.
New Board of Directors
At Triona’s Annual General Meeting, a new Board of Directors was elected. Lars Harrysson remains as chairman and Lennart L. Hane continues as a board member. The following were elected as board members.
Munck Asfalt chooses C7 Projects
C7 Projects was put into operation at Munck Asfalt A/S in December 2021 and then replaced Munck's tailor-made solution for calculating and managing projects. C7 Projects supports the entire project process, thereby streamlining administration and saving time. C7 Projects gives full control over every project, from quotation to invoice.
Sandåsa Timber selects Timber by Pinja
Sandåsa Timber with three facilities in Sörmland has chosen Timber by Pinja as their new ERP system. Timber by Pinja is delivered by Triona.
Swedish transport administration selects TNE for its geo data update tool
The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) has chosen TNE as its platform to create a new technical solution for NVDB (the national road database). This means that Trafikverket will also use the TNE Editor module to manage geo data stored in NVDB.
TRACS Flow goes live at Centralen and Foria
In Spring 2019, Triona signed a frame agreement with Allmänna Transport och Logistik Alliansen i Skandinavien AB (ATLAS-gruppen) for its TRACS Flow product. TRACS Flow is a user-friendly and modern platform accelerating digital transformation of order management from agreement and order processing to planning, execution, and monitoring. The third and fourth phases of the deployment project at ATLAS Gruppen have now been successfully concluded.
New releases of TRACS Flow
Two new versions of TRACS Flow were released during Fall 2021. The next releases are planned for May and November 2022.
Nordic Timber selects Timber by Pinja
Nordic Timber Export based in Järnforsen has selected Timber by Pinja, delivered by Triona, as their new ERP system.
Eco-drive for electric buses in coach traffic
We have now released a new Eco-drive module for our FleetControl product. From now on we can track vehicle acceleration/deceleration, braking, and turning, using the built-in accelerometer, thus improving passenger comfort, a more sustainable driving, and improved safety.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Emissions report for 2020
Triona’s Emissions report for 2020 is now ready. As previously, we report according to the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) protocol within scopes 1, 2 and 3, and this year in scope 3 we have also included an analysis of various cloud solution suppliers providing IT services.
Triona acquires C7 from Fujitsu
Triona acquires the business area C7, including the product itself. C7 is a project management tool used by organizations working with asphalt, construction, and energy related projects. The takeover takes place as of 1/1/2022.
Triona 30 years
Today we celebrate Triona 30 years! Our journey so far has been amazing.
Triona releases TNE version 3.8
In September, TNE 3.8 was released, and the TNE Editor module has now been added to our TNE cloud service. Further enhancements in this version include improved support for handling of information related to projects, organizations, and users.
New release of Transport Routing Engine
A new release of Transport Routing Engine (TRE) is now available for our customers. The main enhancement is the improved handling of a route’s starting point and destination for walking and cycle routes.
Region Västmanland (VL) selects FleetControl
Triona has together with Hogia won Region Västmanland’s (VL’s) procurement “platform for traffic information”. Triona is responsible for the delivery of FleetControl, a product that fetches, publishes, and shares data from public transport vehicles. The system’s main components are a Multi-service IoT Edge Gateway and an Android based driver display, both using software from Triona.
Keolis selects FleetControl
Triona and Keolis Sverige AB have signed a Frame Agreement regarding delivery of FleetControl as a part of Keolis’ new onboard vehicle communication platform. The first deliveries will be for Keolis’ extension of E22 traffic agreement with SL and new agreements with Västtrafik.
Holmen trävaror implements C-Load at more sawmills
Holmen Wood Products (Holmen Trävaror) have been using C-Load at their Linghem sawmill for several years. Now their sawmills in Braviken and Iggesund have also decided to use C-Load.
Transab selects TRACS Flow
Last Spring, contractor and logistics company Transab, based in Jönköping, selected TRACS Flow as their future transport administration system. In replacing the existing transport system with TRACS Flow and using the additional functionality offered, Transab is now even better prepared to develop their business.
Agreement with Statens vegvesen for NVDB Geotjenester
Triona has been awarded a contract from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen) which includes development, administration, and maintenance of the NVDB Geo-Services (NVDB Geotjenester) system portfolio.
Triona delivers angling e-service to Luke
During Spring 2021 Triona Oy was awarded a project from Luke – the Natural Resources Institute in Finland. The project will deliver a service, Oma kala (My Own Fish) whereby anglers can easily report caught fish, check their catch history, buy fishing licenses etc.
MaserFrakt selects TRACS Flow
MaserFrakt is one of the largest companies in transport and machine services in Sweden and has been based in Dalarna for many years. MaserFrakt has selected TRACS Flow from Triona as their future business support system for agreement and order management, planning, operational support, and monitoring, thereby continuing their long term cooperation with Triona. The plan is to launch the commercial service as early as this year, both for the back-office system and vehicle-based mobile devices.
New assignment for Oslo municipality
Before the Summer, Triona won as assignment regarding “Survey and planning of road and street maintenance” for Oslo municipality. As a part of the assignment, we will photograph Oslo municipality’s 1365 km of roads and streets including pedestrian and bicycle lanes. We will register all data in the Norwegian national road database (NVDB) as well as defining a plan for road maintenance in Oslo municipality.
E.ON Sweden opted for Once by Pinja in its supply chain management
E.ON Sweden is part of the international E.ON energy group that employs 70,000 people in 15 different countries. The company has four plants and employs 2,100 people in Sweden, offering electricity, heating and smart energy solutions to a million private consumers and businesses.
Fraktkedjan AB goes live with TRACS Flow
In Spring 2019, Triona signed a frame agreement with Allmänna Transport och Logistik Alliansen i Skandinavien AB (ATLAS-gruppen) for its TRACS Flow product. TRACS Flow is a user-friendly and modern platform for the digital transformation of order management from agreement and order processing to planning, execution, and monitoring. The second phase of the deployment project at ATLAS Gruppen has now been concluded at one of their companies, Fraktkedjan. From December 2020, TRACS Flow is Fraktkedjan’s central Order Management System.
Road Surfacing System to Statens Vegvesen
Triona has been awarded a contract for the further development of a Road Surfacing System to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen). The contract is in two parts, Pavement Management System (PMS) and ROSITA.
Bergkvist Siljan in insjön deploy C-Load
Bergkvist Siljan Group has been using C-Load since 2019 at their facilities in Mora and Blybergssågen in Älvdalen. Now their sawmill in Insjön has also become the latest facility to deploy and use C-Load.
C-Load – Added support for sustainable transportation
The ongoing work to develop and improve C-Load has resulted in two new releases 1.39 (10 November 2020) and 1.40 (3 February 2021) where we focused on a continued modernization of the service and with a focus on sustainability.
Söderhamns LBC launches TRACS Flow
Commercial operation of TRACS Flow started 1st February replacing Söderhamns LBC’s Cockpit order management system.
Customers happy with Triona
In our latest customer survey carried out during fall 2020 we again received very good reviews from our customers. Nearly all customers agreed with the statement “cooperation with Triona works well”.
TRACS Flow version 2.14 released
A new version of TRACS flow was launched as planned at the end of February. The next releases are planned for May and November 2021.
Webinar with RoadCloud
Triona’s product offering in FleetControl is expanding with more customers and new services. With FleetControl as IOT on-board platform and FleetAnalyzer in the cloud, there are new opportunities to collect, share, and analyze data from public transport vehicles. Everything for streamlined operations and more and happier customers.
New offices in Oslo
In early 2021 Triona moved to new offices in Oslo.
An attractive employer
Our most important assets are our employees and our customer relationships – happy and satisfied employees contribute to increased customer satisfaction. To ensure that we are attractive as an employer we carry out regular employee surveys. We use an independent external company who use evidence-based methods and analyses to help us understand what our employees think about working for Triona and our working environment.
Triona expands in Gothenburg
Triona has moved to new and more modern offices in the World Trade Center on Korsvägen in Gothenburg
FleetControl chosen as Transdev’s IoT platform
Transdev launched the Nordic’s largest electric bus fleet in Gothenburg on 13 December, on behalf of the bus operator Västtrafik. In the delivery to Västtrafik Transdev selected Triona’s vehicle neutral FleetControl system as the central IoT platform.
Major contractor selects TRACS Flow
A major supplier of materials and services to the construction industry has chosen TRACS Flow for its new order management system. The rollout is planned for 2021.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Harvester Data Calculation Service ready for piloting
In the spring, we announced that Triona will deliver the Harvester Data Calculation Service to the Finnish Forest Centre Suomen Metsäkeskus. Now the calculation service is completed and ready to receive harvester information from forest companies.
ITxPT project in Gothenburg
Triona has proudly participated in the RIVSILON case study with our knowhow and our product FleetControl
Triona delivers signal managment system to Svingen control station
Triona and Euroskilt have jointly developed a smart control station in Svingen which has now been delivered to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen). The control station is used to check vehicles with respect to traffic safety and conditions which can affect competition in the transport sector. Examples are vehicle overloading, driver’s hours infringements or driving with vehicle defects.
C-Load version 1.38 released
A new version of C-Load (1.38.0) was released on 10th September. The focus in this release has been the continued modernization of the C-Load service, both architecturally and through a total redesign of the procurement list with new web technology, making the functionality more user-friendly and transparent
Emissions report 2019 complete
Triona produced an emissions report according to the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) protocol standard in autumn last year and the 2019 emissions report is now complete.
New version of TNE
TNE version 3.7 was released in the middle of September and now TNE is also available as a cloud service. Further in this version we have enhanced support for the management of digital asset (AIM) information, among others, and syncing data in local database environments.
New integration component at VSV Frakt
VSV Frakt had an issue with different non-synergetic integration flows and costs related to each flow. These were two of the reasons that VSV Frakt decided to start their Violett project at the end of autumn 2019. The aim was to unify their integration flows as well as make these futureproof and reducing cost. The project is now complete and the goals reached.
Triona photographs road network in new Drammen
Triona won the procurement to photograph the road network (360° images) in Drammens municipality. In total we have photographed just over 700km of roads in the new Drammen municipality. This includes both roads, footpaths, and cycle paths. The new Drammen municipality consists of the former Drammen, Nedre Eiker, and Svelvik municipalities.
New version of Distance Service and TRE
New versions of Triona Distance Service and the Transport Routing Engine have been released.
Triona expand their work in the public transport sector
Mats Johansson started work at Triona on 1st October with the responsibility to develop Triona’s business in the public transport sector. Mats will work from Triona’s growing office in Gothenburg but will work with public transport actors in our Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish markets.
Arriva select Triona
Arriva has won a tender to operate urban and regional bus services in Kristianstad.
Söderhamns LBC selects Triona’s TRACS Flow
Söderhamns LBC selects TRACS Flow for their next order management system.
Web version of FleetAnalyzer in FleetControl
FleetControl offer a number of services which help keep administrative costs down at vehicle fleets by continually collecting data from vehicles and then displaying this for drivers, back-office processing, or using in other applications to increase value and/or efficiency. FleetAnalyzer, which is a part of FleetControl is now being released in phases to increase availability for users.
C-Load version 1.37 released
A new version of C-Load (1.37.0) was deployed on 11th June. In this release we have continued our work with revamping the platform by modernizing the architecture and laying the foundation for a more modern web. Transparent information sharing between actors in the logistics chain has been enhanced by further development of the “Load Appendix” functionality implemented in 1.36.0. Besides architecture/web and “Load appendix” the release included several new features for clients, suppliers, customers, and terminals.
TimberPro in production at Ingarp Träskydd
Ingarp Träskydd based outside Eksjö is now fully up and running with TimberPro from Triona
Västtrafik streamlines with TNE and TRE
Västtrafik automates and simplifies its public transport planning process with Triona’s TNE and TRE products. Updated road data is automatically generated using TNE in such a way that the data can be adapted by TRE to calculate the distance between different stops (mileage calculation).
C-Load version 1.36 released
A new version of C-Load (1.36.0) was released in April 2020. In this release we continued to modernize the platform by implementing a new authentication solution which in turn lays the foundation for further development of the service.
Harvester data calculation service to the Finnish Forest Centre
The Finnish Forest Centre collects and shares data related to Finland's forests and enforces compliance with forestry legislation. The aim of the harvester data calculation service is to improve the up-to-date forest asset data produced by the Finnish Forest Centre by enabling the utilization of data from harvesting as one of the data sources for updating the data. Triona is developing a scalable solution for Metsäkeskus, to which wood procurement organizations send data for efficient processing.
SINUS to Norway’s new counties
The new Norwegian counties have chosen Triona to supply their SINUS Infra product, an innovative software used to capture road data for updating the Norwegian national road database (NVDB)
New forestry system at the National Property Board (SFV)
At the beginning of 2020 Triona was awarded a procurement regarding requirements analysts for the National Property Board - Statens Fastighetsverk (SFV). The assignment includes analysing needs and producing requirements for SFV to support their forestry business in advance of an upcoming procurement
Sundfrakt group launch TRACS Flow
Sundfrakt have launched TRACS Flow. The Sundfrakt group, to which Sundfrakt AB belong, has used TRACS Flow as it’s central order management system from March 2020.
Smart flow of information for transport infrastructure
Triona, Trimble and Ramboll together with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) will start a joint project in Autumn to develop and demonstrate processes and an innovative technical solution to allow automated, streamlined, and open information flows for transport-infrastructure related data.
Triona releases TRACS Flow version 2.11
A new version of TRACS flow was launched as planned at the end of February. New versions are planned for May and September 2020.
Triona strengthens Sokigo’s traffic and road solutions
Sokigo and Triona signed a cooperation agreement on 14th April 2020 with the aim of offering Sweden’s municipalities solutions for the traffic and road sector based on leading-edge technology. Triona’s platform TNE, which supports many different types of applications and operations which use or manage information about the transport network, will as a result be part of Sokigo’s product LV. The aim of the partnership is to be able to offer the Swedish municipal market the best solutions in the traffic and road sector.
Triona releases TNE version 3.6
TNE version was released at the beginning of March. New features in this version are extended and enhanced support for the management of digital asset (AIM) information, among others. This allows for new and exciting options for the effective management of digital twins at our customers such as Nye Veier.
The Corona virus - guidelines and operational measures within Triona
In the last weeks Triona has taken steps aimed at handling the consequences of the Corona virus.
Digital return solution for cable drums operational
RS Trommelservice have operations in a branch unknown to many, but which make a good environmental contribution to recycling or controlled disposal of cable drums. Triona has developed a solution which digitizes the process from order registration through implementation and financial settlement. The service was launched on 1st January 2020 and as a result manual work and paperwork are already history.
New solution for Sveaskog’s forest machines
Nineteen years old, well-functioning, stable, fast, and popular sums up Sveaskog’s current GIS solution for forest machines (PStyr). However, to realize both new ways of working and improvements from next generation systems PStyr needs to be replaced.
Frame agreement with Svevia
As a result of their investment in digitalization Svevia have signed a frame agreement with Triona for products which will streamline their work with operations and maintenance of the norwegian road network. The goal is to win new operational contracts in Norway.
New frame agreement with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)
Triona further strengthens its position as a strategic supplier to the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) in the asset information area, through a new frame agreement “Strategisk kompetens för digital anläggningsinformation” roughly translated “Strategic competence for digital asset information”.
SINUS adopts the new road reference system
In conjunction with the municipal and regional reforms which came into force on 1st January 2020, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) introduced a completely new reference system in the National Road Database (NVDB).
Owner increases holding in Triona’s shares
Triona is privately owned and several of its employees are part-owners. Triona has an increasing proportion of external ownership (not actively employed in the group). Towards the end of 2019 the former Chairman of the Board Nils Robert Persson increased his holding by 3.9% to a total of 6.6% of the shares. The 220,000 shares were acquired in two rounds at a price of 30 SEK respective 32 SEK per share.
Triona acquires CivilPoint´s shares in Triona Oy
CivilPoint Oy owned 19% of the shares in Triona Oy and has since Triona Oy was founded been an important partner to the Triona Group. Just before Christmas, CivilPoint and Triona agreed that Triona acquires CivilPoint´s shares in Triona Oy.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!
Ingarp Träskydd select Timberpro
Ingarp Träskydd based outside Eksjö have chosen TimberPro from Triona for their next business system.
Triona’s distance calculation Service – new release
A new version of Triona’s distance calculation service was launched in the middle of November ( The focus in this release is to help our customers who transport to Europe with increased support for price calculations.
New version of C-Load
Lasset’s name was changed to C-Load on 1 October 2019. “C” as in Cloud, Community, Collaboration, and Communication and “Load” as in Load. – in other words the same service we started in 2012 but now with a new name which better depicts the service. In conjunction with the name change we deployed a two-part release with a number of improvements and new functionality – primarily a complete redesign of the load list and publishing rules, but also new functionality for several types of actor.
Triona enable fully automated live broadcasts
Triona has been a long-time development and operational partner to LiveArena Broadcast AB for their Microsoft Azure based software platform. During Spring both the Norwegian and Swedish ice hockey associations signed agreements with LiveArena and their partner SH Television AB to enable fully automated live hockey broadcasts based on LiveArena’s concept “Broadast Arena”, an AI based technology. To make this possible Triona also contributed to the financing to implement the concept in 30 ice hockey arenas in Norway.
Oslo municipality selects SINUS
Oslo municipality has chosen Triona to supply its SINUS photo and SINUS Infra products, which among other things will be used for updating the Norwegian national road database (NVDB). The contract also includes photographing the entire main road network (with 360° road images).
BussAkuten gets better control
BussAkuten is a business area within Merresor AB. The business area’s operations consist of providing replacement vehicles to transport companies, e.g. order, plan, and coordinate transport for BussAkuten’s various customer when their own transport does not arrive, is delayed, or arrives at the wrong destination. To follow up transport and create a base for reimbursement requires a reliable positioning solution.
Triona releases new TRACS Flow version
A new version of TRACS Flow was launched in the beginning of October. The next version is planned for release at the end of 2019.
Get in touch with Triona
We’re changing the way you get in touch with us at Triona. This is to make it easier and faster to reach the right person.
Triona reports emissions according to the GHG protocol Standard
In order to increase our practical competence on emissions reporting and the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) protocol Triona has produced an emissions report according to the GHG protocol standard. We will use our newfound insights, among other things, in our work with our products and solutions and through digitalization be able to help our customers in developing their sustainability work. As a bonus we will take control over our own emissions.
Triona launches C-Load, previously Lasset
Lasset was set up with the aim of streamlining transportation for the forest industry and all actors involved in the delivery chain, from industry to customer. The streamlining is made possible through the digital transformation of both procurements and transport orders and transparently sharing relevant information between all actors involved in the delivery chain.
Extrico increases its investment in Triona
Extrico and Mertiva invested in Triona’s shares at the end of April 2019. Now Extrico has increased its ownership by a further 1.3% to 2.8% of Triona's total shares.
Triona develops new data storage for measurement data
Triona is developing a solution for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) which manages measurement data, currently stored in the Norwegian national road database (NVDB). The measurement data constitutes 80% of the data sets in the NVDB and going forward this data will be handled in the ROSITA system which uses TNE (Transport Network Engine) as its platform.
Triona now member of BEAst
BEAst works with producing standards and services for electronic information exchange aimed at reducing costs for actors in and connected to the construction sector. Triona has for some time worked actively in other areas to contribute to the development of associated standards and IT solutions. Becoming a member of BEAst is therefore a right and natural step for Triona.
Three forestry companies select Triona’s road management system (VFS)
After Bergvik Skog’s restructuring, Stora Enso, Billerudkorsnäs, and Kopparfors Skogar have chosen Triona’s road management system (VFS) as their business support for highway administration.
Triona releases TNE Version 3.5
TNE 3.5 was released in mid-August 2019. A major new feature is that TNE now has support for map publishing of TNE data according to the Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) specification protocols for web mapping service (WMS) and web feature service (WFS).
Web portal for rail-related services
The European Rail Facilities Portal, which Triona was responsible for developing, was released at the beginning of July 2019.
New Lasset versions released (1.31.0 and 1.32.0)
Triona’s cloud service for procurement and load booking, Lasset, was upgraded before the Summer. The upgrade was a two-part release. The first release was primarily a technical release with great emphasis on ensuring scalability, stability, and performance in Lasset’s technical core. This in turn will ensure a continued expansion of the service. The second release is a functional release with among other things increased geographical coverage in the distance service.
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration selects SINUS
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) has chosen Triona to supply their innovative software product SINUS Infra for updating the Norwegian national road database (NVDB).
Frame agreement with Atlas Logistik for TRACS Flow
Triona has signed a frame agreement with Atlas Logistik relating to its TRACS Flow product. The delivery and deployment is planned for Autumn 2019.
New version of TRACS Flow
A new version of TRACS Flow was launched last week with the next versions planned for February and May 2020.
Triona contributes to BIM standardization
The BIM-standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), developed within buildingSMART International (bSI), is being extended with support for infrastructure Projects, e.g. Bridges, Tunnels, Roads and Railways. Triona participates in the development of an IFC Road extension, where Karin Anderson, Trafikverket is the project manager, and also in IFC Common schema Project, that deals with topics common to the whole infrastructure field.
Fleetech joins ITxPT
Fleetech has been a member of the ITxPT (Open IT architecture for Public Transport) organization since November 2018. ITxPT’s goal is to eliminate barriers between different public transport IT systems by providing a number of open standards for interoperable IT architecture.
Collaboration for increased transport efficiency
Triona is now a partner in CLOSER, a collaboration platform which connects higher education, business, and government agencies to projects which develop efficient transport from a resource, energy, environment, and financial perspective.
Siljan joins Lasset
The Siljan group, with its Siljanssågen sawmill in Mora and Blybergssågen sawmill in Älvdalen, is to start using Lasset as a means to streamline its work with procurements and transport bookings.
Asset Information Management System to ACCIONA and Nye Veier
Triona and Trimble will carry out a pilot project to utilize digital information from ACCIONA and norwegian Nye Veier, from planning, through design and development to a maintenance phase. The solution will handle integrated BIM/GIS-data and "asset management". The pilot will be carried out as a part of the road project Ranheim-Værnes which Nye Veier awarded to the Spanish contractor ACCIONA Construction.
Brinks Trä select TimberPro
Brinks Trä in Ulricehamn have chosen TimberPro from Triona as its future business system
Extrico and Mertiva invest in Triona
Triona is privately owned and several of its employees are shareholders. There is an increasing percentage of external shareholders who are not actively employed in the group and at the end of April Extrico and Mertiva invested in Triona’s shares. The investments totaled 3.14% of the shares at a price of 28 SEK per share.
Triona improves Åland’s ferry traffic
Triona has won a pilot project for ferry traffic in Åland’s archipelago. In the pilot Triona will focus on developing a web-based cloud solution which aims to increase the utilization rate for the ferry lines while also significantly improving the user experience for passengers.
Triona completes Fleetech acquisition
For some time, Triona has owned a 33% stake in Fleetech AB and has now made an offer to acquire the remaining shares in Fleetech AB. The other shareholders have accepted the offer and the sale is expected to be completed at the beginning of Q2 2019.
Triona releases new version of Lasset
Triona’s cloud-based service for procurement and load booking, Lasset, was upgraded in February/March. Among the most important news are increased possibilities to manage and follow up delivery times, reporting for the follow-up of aggregated total distance travelled (basis for environmental reporting), and support for suppliers to create sustainable workflows, etc.
Triona partners with Drive Sweden
Drive Sweden is a strategic innovation program (SIP) which was started on an initiative by the Swedish Government. The program is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Research Council Formas, and VINNOVA the Swedish Innovation Energy. Drive Sweden is hosted by Lindholmen Science Park and Triona has now become a partner.
Our female leaders strengthen Triona
Frame agreement with City of Stockholm for Geodata and GIS
Triona has been awarded a frame agreement by the City of Stockholm for consultancy services within Geodata and GIS. The agreement covers all of its administrations as well as several enterprises owned by the City of Stockholm.
New TNE version released
December 2018 saw the release of TNE version 3.4 which included new functionality to expand TNE with increased support for management of the transport network on several levels, increased possibilities for more efficient integration as well as improved segmentation.
New TRE version
A new version of Triona’s Transport Routing Engine (TRE) is ready for release. New functionality in this version includes additional options for fetching traffic information and real-time travel times from external sources. This further improves the likelihood of making correct route choices and therefore being able to streamline operations.
New version of Lasset
Triona’s cloud service for procurement and load booking, Lasset, was upgraded in December to a new version. Among the most important news is the possibility to unload all freight flows using the mobile client without any specific installation for the carrier/driver, a new start page with a process overview as well as the addition of parameters to be used for quality calculations.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Triona releases new TRACS Flow version
A new version of TRACS Flow was launched in November 2018 with the next version planned for May 2019.
Triona Distance Calculation Service launched in Finland
The coverage area for the Triona distance calculation service now includes Finland. This has been made possible by the inclusion of data from DigiRoad in Finland, which comprises the complete Finnish road network and its restrictions for heavy goods traffic amd us making it available for route calculation in the distance calculation service. Now you can seamlessly calculate routes and distances for your vehicle (with height, weight, and length parameters) in the Norway-Sweden-Finland area.
Sucessful Triona Days 2018
Triona Days in Sweden is in its second year. This time with participants from many organizations within the transport and logistics sectors. Triona Days 2018 was incredibly productive and successful! That’s the conclusion we came to after seeing the feedback from participants.
Anna Mårsell new CTO at Triona
In the beginning of April Triona started the process to recruit a new CTO, a modern self-reliant leader to take responsibility for the development of the Triona group’s work tools and processes for system development. The result of that process is that Anna Mårsell was chosen to take on the role, something which we are very pleased about.
Triona makes presentation at Q3 dagen
Q3 dagen was held in Gothenburg on 15th November. Triona participated with Mats Bayard making a presentation on digitalization trends in the logistic and transport sectors.
New version of Lasset released
Lasset, Triona’s cloud service for procurement and load booking, was upgraded in October. The most important news concerns further information sharing between client, supplier, terminals, and ultimately the customer for the container bookings.
New IT systsem for RS Trommelservice AS
Triona has been chosen as supplier for the development of a new IT system for RS Trommelservice AS. The solution aims to replace manual processes so that the business can expand their digital transformation.
Triona collaborates with RoadCloud on innovation project
The Swedish Transport Administration’s multi-year pilot project will evaluate a more reliable and modern system for the measurement, delivery, and analysis of friction data. Increased digitalization and utilization of modern technology from multiple sources (vehicle) will increase reliability as well as enable continuous measurement of the entire road network.
Triona assumes responsibility for Azure operations
In October, in parallel with the takeover of operational activities from LiveArena, we welcomed two new employees to the Triona group. In doing this Triona takes over responsibility for LiveArena’s azure based operations.
Triona opens office in Gothenburg
Triona has set up operations in Gothenburg during October. The office is located in Lindholmen, in a cluster of organizations working with among other things the automotive industry, telematics, and ITS.
OpenTNF steering group meeting and workshop
November 20th 2018 we call for a statutory steering committee meeting and a workshop to discuss the future development of OpenTNF.
Triona takes over bridge management system from Safe Control
Following the acquisition of Safe Control Infra AS in Spring 2018 Triona has now also acquired Safe Control documentation system AS and its SINUS.bk product. SINUS.bk is a web application that fits well with Triona’s current product portfolio. The product is based on rules developed in a Nordic partnership, so there are therefore good possibilities to win new customers for this product in Sweden and Finland.
New mobile solution for Ragn-Sells
Triona has developed and maintained the current Ragn-Sells mobile order application (MOA) since 2012. Now we have been entrusted to start work on the next generation MOA and simultaneously develop better support for Ragn-Sells’ haulage contractors.
New customers for SINUS
Safe Control Infra AS was acquired by Triona earlier this year. The SINUS.Infra product family which is a good match for Triona’s product portfolio was included in the acquisition. Now the sale of SINUS products has increased.
New solution for road data editing at SDC
Triona has received an assignment from SDC to develop a new solution for editing road data which is used among other things in SDC’s “Krönt vägval” service.
Successful delivery to Clas Ohlson
Within the framework of its programme sCORE (Systems for Clas Ohlson Retail Efficiency) Clas Ohlson has released Triona’s transport data platform (TDP) into production.
Batchelor thesis on GeoBlockchain
What do companies, municipalities, and public authorities do to protect people from terrorist attacks where large vehicle-ramming is involved? Given the terrorist attacks in recent years this is something which is increasingly important to consider. In Spring 2018, Triona initiated a Batchelor thesis with Mittuniversitetet in Sweden where they studied how companies, municipalities, and public authorities can solve this problem, how much they know about Blockchain and Geo-fence, and if there is a need to improve the protection by implementing systems that combine Blockchain and Geo-fence to what we call GeoBlockchain.
Triona releases TNE version 3.3
TNE version 3.3 is now released. Version 3.3 contains mainly new or improved functionality to streamline the supply of data from TNE; among other things a new module called TNE Replication. The module enables an updated (replicated) copy of a TNE database to be created. The copy can be a full copy, a subset, simplified or refined data in the TNE database. A possible area of application is for instance when displaying transport network data via a web-based map service (WMS) or data used to create reports and statistics.
Triona to release new version of TRE
A new major version of Transport Routing Engine (TRE) is ready for release. This version includes functionality to apply elevation data from external sources (topographic data) to road data which is missing elevation data, routing on expanded networks as well as the option to calculate routes across several data sources which are automatically consolidated over the borders. This gives better possibilities to find the best route for among other things heavy and long vehicles for cross border transportation.
Smart traffic signs for Borealis pilot project
Triona, together with Euroskilt, will deliver smart traffic signs for the Borealis pilot project at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The delivery is part of a research and development project which is being carried out on a 40 km long stretch of road along the E8 in Skibotndalen.
New TRACS Flow version
A new version of TRACS Flow was launched in May with the next version planned for November 2018.
Arctic Asfalt selects TRACS Flow
As part of the strategy for digitalizing its order process Artic Asfalt has selected TRACS Flow for its order management system. By using TRACS Flow the order process and information flow between the offices and operational teams will be simpler and more efficient.
Portal streamlines railway transportation
From an environmental perspective the EU wants to promote railway traffic and to make this possible railway operators are required to provide information about their services. The current lack of available plant information for e.g. terminals, industrial railways, marshalling yards, makes the planning process for railway traffic services more difficult.
Successful OpenTNF seminar
The OpenTNF seminar took place on 2nd May 2018 with nearly 30 participants from organizations active in the transport infrastructure, mapping, automotive, and IT industries.
Norwegian Public Roads Administration upgrades to TNE 3
Triona have signed a contract with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) to upgrade to TNE version 3.
Trasé project implemented at Bane NOR
At the end of 2016 Triona signed an agreement with Norwegian Bane NOR for the delivery of a management system for traffic-related route information. The first version of the system has been approved by the customer and has gone into production.
Alltransport selects Triona’s distance calculation service
Alltransport are now using distance information from Triona’s distance calculation service for transport assignments managed in the TRACS Flow transport system. The distance information forms the basis for pricing and helps when making route choices.
New customers for Triona’s TRA product
Triona’s product Triona Roadwork Assistant (TRA) is being used by more and more actors who work with traffic controls and diversions at roadworks. Some of the most recent customers are: Mesta, BMO Elektro, Securitas, Nokas, Ramudden, Relacom, Veidekke, and BetonmastHæhre.
Triona’s product TRE now in the Netherlands and Luxembourg
More and more companies offering journey planning services are using Triona’s product Transport Routing Engine. The most recent customers are based in the Netherlands and Luxemburg where TRE is delivered together with HaCon’s product HAFAS.
Ernsts Express selects TRACS Flow
Ernsts Express has chosen Triona’s product TRACS to help in the digitalization of its operations.
Milestone reached at the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket)
The system delivery in the Swedish Transport Administration’s ANDA project was approved in December 2017. The project included the implementation of a new IT solution for the management of plant data for the Swedish road and railway networks. The approval means that an important milestone has been reached.
Norrlands Trä first in Sweden to use TimberPro
TimberPro will be implemented at Norrlands Trä making them the first Swedish timber processing company to use the modern ERP system purpose built for the timber industry.
Triona Releases New Version of Transport Routing Engine
Triona released a new version of its Transport Routing Engine(TRE) in January 2018. The release includes several new features and some performance enhancements.
Triona acquires Safe Control Infra AS
Triona announced the takeover of Safe Control Infra AS and its SINUS.Infra and Veibilder 360° products. The products are used today in the registration and maintenance of infrastructure related data. Included in the takeover are production activities dealing with the collection and processing of road images. The acquisition is in line with Triona’s strategy to offer innovative IT solutions for logistic- and infrastructure-related operations.
OpenTNF Seminar at Triona
On 2nd May 2018 we will hold a seminar to discuss the future development of OpenTNF, to which you are warmly invited.
SDC Upgrade to TNE 3
SDC has signed an agreement with Triona to upgrade to Transport Network Engine 3 (TNE 3). The upgrade will be done in phases during 2018. The benefits are shorter lead times, reduced costs, and increased quality in SDC’s work with the production of the dataset, which is the basis for among other things SDC’s “Krönt vägval” service.
Mobile App Pilot for Oversize/Abnormal Loads at the FTA
Triona has delivered a mobile application pilot solution for tracking oversize loads to the Finnish Transport Agency (FTA). The mobile app, which is targeted towards contractors working with the transport of oversize loads, allows drivers to report on the progress and status of the transport. The pilot period is just about to start. The mobile app enables on-call personnel in road traffic centers to track oversize (or overweight) load transports in (almost) real-time.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
New System for Digital Traffic Sign Management
Triona, together with Euroskilt have launched a new, flexible system for digital traffic sign management. The system supports both manual- and remote-control. The latter can be carried out by for example from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s road traffic management centers.
Successful Triona Days Event
At the end of November 2017 Triona held an event “Triona days” with ca 50 participants from different organizations in Norway and Sweden. After reviewing the questionnaires which the participants completed we can conclude that the Triona Days event was a success!
Triona Releases New version of “Arbeidsvarsling-Loggbok“
Triona have launched a new version of Arbeidsvarsling-Loggbok (roughly translated Roadwork Notification logbook/journal). Important news in this version is that Triona’s photo application Vegfoto is now integrated with the system
Triona Enters Partner agreement with Finnish PiiMega OY
Triona has entered into a partnership agreement with the Finnish software house PiiMega OY. Initially, Triona will partner PiiMega in the Swedish and Norwegian markets to sell, support, and customize PiiMega® TimberPro, which is PiiMega’s ERP system for sawmills and wood processing. PiiMega will in turn be Triona’s partner in Finland for Triona’s cloud service “Lasset” in the timber industry.
Triona releases new version of TRACS Flow
A new version of TRACS Flow was launched in October 2017.
Triona and Scandinavian Logistics Launch cooperation
Scandinavian Logistics (Scanlog), an independent Swedish-owned logistics company, and Triona have signed a cooperation agreement with the aim to develop new IT-based logistics and transport service offerings.
High Customer Satisfaction for Triona’s Customers
In a recent customer satisfaction survey Triona received a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of 82, a score which we see as a positive acknowledgement from our customers.
OpenTNF-library is released
Triona has now released OpenTNF-library as OpenSource. This library is a reference implementation for the OpenTNF standard, developed in cooperation with the Swedish Transport Administration, Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Trimble.
Triona Releases TNE Version 3.2
Version 3.2 of Triona’s Transport Network Engine (TNE™) is now released. The first customer to use the new version is the Norwegian state-owned company Bane NOR who are responsible for the Norwegian national railway infrastructure. Bane NOR are currently developing a new platform for the management of traffic-related track information.
Triona to develop new ”Krönt vägval karta” for SDC
Triona has won an order to develop a new version of SDC’s web application “Krönt vägval karta”. The current application allows users to make manual distance calculations and see the chosen route on a map. There is also the possibility to see a road’s properties such as speed restrictions and bearing capacity class. Users can also report inaccuracies in the distance calculation or incorrect road information via the web application.
New CFO at Triona
Sofia Hedberg has now started her work as CFO at Triona.
Swecon chooses Lasset for its transport administration
Swecon, a nationwide reseller of Volvo’s construction machinery has chosen Lasset to streamline its transport administration.
Triona and Västernorrland County Council Sign Agreement
Västernorrland County Council has signed a framework agreement with Triona for IT assignment consultants.
New Customer – the Norwegian Railway Directorate
Triona has signed a contract with the Norwegian Railway Directorate - Jernbanedirektoratet for delivery of consultancy services. The contract is a two-year framework agreement with the option to extend by 2 x 1 year.
Triona Awarded New Framework Agreements by the Swedish Transport Administration
During the last few months Triona has had additional possibilities to deliver consultancy services with domain expertise and IT competencies to the Swedish Transport Administration (STA) – Trafikverket.
Triona Releases TNE Version 3.1
Central to the new features in version 3.1 of Triona Network Engine (TNE™), released in spring 2017, is a new module TNE Studio. TNE Studio is a web based tool which allows the management of background jobs which are run and can be scheduled on the server platform. New in TNE 3.1 is also increased compatibility with Oracle’s database management system.
Triona Routing Engine Live at Samtrafiken
Triona’s routing platform Triona Routing Engine (TRE) has been integrated in Samtrafiken’s journey planning service Resrobot since spring 2017.
Triona Launches New version of its Distance Calculation Service
A new version of Triona’s distance calculation service is now available. Version 1.1 includes some exciting new features as well as some minor bug fixes.
Triona Signs Contract with City of Stockholm
The City of Stockholm’s Environmental Administration has signed a contract with Triona regarding an assignment to adapt an Internet web portal. “We are very pleased to once again be chosen to work with the Environmental Administration, especially as there were extremely high requirements for specialist competence in, amongst others, geographic information system (GIS) in the tender process.”
Triona launches New Version of TRACS Flow
TRACS Flow is being continuously developed and Triona launched a new version in April.
TNE in production at NCA
During late winter 2016, Triona delivered its Transport Network Engine platform (TNE™) to the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) - Kystverket and the system is now in production. Moving forward, the focus will be on the registration, import, and validation of the waterway network and its related data.
Azure Boost to Triona
On 1st June 2017, in conjunction with the takeover of LiveArena TV AB’s Development and Quality Assurance operations, we warmly welcome 10 new employees to the Triona Group.
Triona sets up Operations in Finland
Triona will open an office in Finland, located in Espoo just outside of Helsinki.
Triona signs agreement with Euroskilt
Triona will, together with Euroskilt, develop a signal management system using standard protocols.
New Logistics System in production at the Kiruna mine
At the end of last year, BDX chose Triona as their supplier regarding the new assignments for LKAB. This includes machinery- and transport services above ground in Kiruna. BDX began using the solution on New Year's Day of 2017.
Growth for Triona in the Sundsvall Region
With new offices and more employees Triona is increasing its investment in the Sundsvall region.
Setra joins Lasset
Setra will start a pilot project to evaluate Lasset. During April to September, all shipment orders to five selected countries will be using Lasset.
OpenTNF 1.0 published
Triona has now released version 1.0 of the specification for OpenTNF on OpenTNF is an open standard for a flexible and efficient exchange of transport network data, developed in cooperation with the Swedish Transport Administration, Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Trimble.
Framework agreement with Statnett
As a subcontractor to UBConnect, Triona has signed a framework agreement with Statnett.
Framework agreement with Stockholm County Council (SLL)
Stockholm County Council (SLL) have signed a new framework agreement with Triona regarding IT consultants.
Proof of concept - life cycle management of data
Triona has entered into an agreement to participate in the project "Verification IFC Alignment & InfraGML". The project is a subproject within IFC Infrastructure Alignment Deployment operated under the Building Smart International. The project is also part of the program Smart Built Environment.
Alltransport chooses TRACS Flow
Alltransport has procured a new business and planning system to the Alltransport group. They chose TRACS Flow from Triona.
Framework agreement with Trafikverket
Trafikverket has signed a framework agreement with Triona regarding professional services within road and rail related data and geographic information.
More efficient code generation for ABB
In the beginning of 2015 Triona received a mission from ABB Power Systems.
SCA introduces Lasset in China
SCA Timber China have started to use Lasset to manage its container transports from Sweden to China.
Navigation app to Keolis
Keolis have chosen Triona as the supplier of a navigation app that will be used to simplify the training of bus drivers. The navigation app will give the drivers access to views of and information about the tours that is planned. The navigation app will be based on a vehicle adapted android platform, developed by the company Fleetech which is partly owned by Triona.
Transport data platform to Clas Ohlson
Clas Ohlson has signed a contract with Triona regarding the development of a transport data platform
Framework agreement with Statens Vegvesen
Triona has signed a framework agreement with Statens Vegvesen in Norway in the area Geomatikk (GIS and Geodata) as well as overall assignments and consultants.
TNE and a new web solution to Jernbaneverket
Triona has together with Trimble Solutions won a contract to supply a system for handling of traffic-related route information to the Norwegian National Rail Administration. The system includes delivery of the products TNE, Nova Point and a new web solution.
Application management agreement with Esso in Norway
In October Triona took over the responsibility for the application management of the system CapTank for another customer, Esso Energi in Norway.
Transport by rail supported by Lasset
Procurement and order of railway transport are now handled by Lasset.
New logistics system for BDXs mission at LKAB
LKAB has signed a contract with BDX relating to machinery and transport services above ground in Kiruna. The mission implies new demands on business systems as well ass methods for reporting/monitoring. To meet these demands, BDX has chosen to deepen their cooperation with Triona.
New release of TRACS Flow
TRACS Flow is constantly being developed, and last week Triona launched a new version. The next version is planned to be released in April 2017.
Triona tests ITS Station
On 23 September, Triona with Vision Tech and Aventi conducted a full-scale system test of a ITS station in Grillstadtunneln. Later this fall, we have planned similar tests in Väretunneln and a test route of the E39 Øysand.
Norwegian Coastal Administration chooses TNE 3.0
Triona has won a procurement regarding delivery of a system supporting maintenance and presentation of fairway data to the Norwegian Coastal Administration.
Release of TNE version 3.0
For several years Triona has worked with the development of a new generation of the TNE platform. On September 28th the 3.0 version of TNE was finally officially released which facilitates the digitalization of our customers’ business processes.
We help Trafikverket in the development of the railway sector
Triona continues to participate with senior consultants in investigations and projects in various forms of business development, including the rail sector. Last assignment as Triona received by Trafikverket is about establishing a vision for future monitoring of assets and continued work with life cycle costs for assets. We take part in the work that creates the future of smart transport infrastructure.
Deviation reporting and monitoring in trains
Triona has developed a deviation reporting and monitoring tool called RUFS.
Clas Ohlson signs contract with Triona
Clas Ohlson has signed a framework agreement with Triona regarding professional services
Application management agreement with OKQ8 and Hoyer
In July Triona took the formal responsibility for the continued application management of CapTank, a mobile order application used by Q8 and Hoyer
Interim report January - June 2016
The interim report for the period January - June 2016 is published.
Application management agreement with Bergvik
Triona has signed an application management agreement regarding the system SPIRA.
Smart online damage claim using a new service from Triona
Länsförsäkringar's new service for online damage claim uses a positioning service developed by Triona.
Swedish Land Survey chooses Triona yet again
Swedish Land Survey has recently completed a procurement process regarding maintenance of an application for handling metadata. The system is used to manage metadata within the mandate of other authorities. Triona was given renewed confidence as supplier.
SCA introduces Lasset in France
SCA Timber France will start using Lasset for all its shipments from its warehouse in Rochefort, France.
Mobile application makes attending conferences easier
It's usually stressfull to keep track of schedules, venues, lectures and other related information when attending a conference. Why don't you offer your conference attendees an application to help with all of this?
Gävle muncipality uses routing data from TNE
Gävle muncipality is now basing it's routing services on Trionas product TNE combined with a component that translates data from TNE to datasets suitable for routing.
The Norwegian road authority chose to use TNE Rosatte Service
At the beginning of this year, The Norwegian road authority began using the "TNE Rosatte Service".
100 000 bookings made with Lasset
By mid April the 100 000th booking was made in Lasset by Reaxcer. The transport order was placed by Gällö Timber.
Snart kan tunnelen snakke med bilen din
Triona deltar i utviklingen av ITS-stasjoner for Statens vegvesen