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Successful OpenTNF seminar

16 May 2018

The OpenTNF seminar took place on 2nd May 2018 with nearly 30 participants from organizations active in the transport infrastructure, mapping, automotive, and IT industries.

The seminar was successful and during the morning session time was spent creating a common understanding for what OpenTNF is, its goals and the benefits which can be created through its use.

”The Swedish Transport Administration has chosen to use OpenTNF, among others taking into account that OpenTNF is an open specification which is based on relevant international standards, in particular OGC GeoPackage. The more organizations who use OpenTNF the greater the opportunities there are to exchange data with each other in a smooth and functional way” Anna Johansson Jacques, The Swedish Transport Administration.

In the afternoon session a dialogue was held on how OpenTNF could be developed to an international standard. Some of the initial conclusions were that we should:

  • Continue to avoid charging a fee for using OpenTNF.
  • Publish sample datasets on
  • Publish a selection of data directories e.g. based on INSPIRE or TN-ITS as aids and examples for potential new users.
  • Update specifications so that license terms for using data/content are clearly specified in an OpenTNF file.

We also intend to develop the organization around OpenTNF by establishing a steering group and clarify how interested parties can contribute to and/or keep up to date with OpenTNF’s development.

We would like to thank all who attended for their active participation. We will now continue working to ensure that over time OpenTNF will develop into an international standard.